Wednesday, October 8, 2008


life has been very kind to me when i look at it from the other side of the lens....
right from the very beginning from being born in a humble family to my present location at one of the finest institutions of the country life has indeed come as a blessing from above
my struggles have been there and at times i have found myself at the edge of a precipice but somehow some incident by fortitude puts me back on track and then am back on the endeavour called life scaling milestone upon milestone.....
different people measure success by different parameters but i see these milestones as mere stepping stones for glorious things yet to come in life...these small fragments though important are nothing when seen in isolation but have a form only in their totality....
on a professional front my journey has just begun and there is a lot to acheive...the field that i have chosen for myself is one in which vistas wont pop up but will need to be found, created and presented because their identification is crucial for the people who are intimately associated with them...
my people today need help and that will come by only when we realise that status quo cannot be maintained any longer...
the move needs to begin and develop into a crescendo just like the waves in the sea that supplement each other and become stronger....alone what is a single wave...together it is a force..alone it is a diversion...transient and ephemeral
well now who is the people are the real vistas that need to be identified, nurtured, brought up and made independent....
our mothers did that for us when we were helpless beings now we need to do it for these people who have been made helpless by society and its apathy....
our fight is against institutions that stand on ignorance and apathy to human life.....
so rise my dear comrades...hand in hand we can strive to make life liveable for the countless brothers, mothers, daughters and sons of the country....
i believe we can .....i have identified my vista
the question is have u ....?????

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