Wednesday, October 8, 2008

development .....but at what cost????

today the biggest challenge that the country faces is the way we are defining and setting new paradigms for the term called development...
the issue has been discussed at great length so u might b wondering what am doin here adding on to the already existing cornucopia of matter lying around ....
well let me set the record straight...a lot of the work lying around never gets read or if it does get so it seldom connects...the idea therefore is to open up a forum to develop the CONNECT that i feel is lacking and holding us back from acting...
so here i am
here i discuss the plight of tribals of this country and specifically my adopted state of Orissa which houses some of the rarest and largest of tribal communities that are facing annihalation at the hand of an irresponsive govt that is hand in glove with some of the worst environment violators like vedanta which has been denounced by the norwegian govt but has been accepted with open arms by the orrisa govt ....
we today have tribals being displaced and massacred for development to take confuses me what time period am in....fascist period or nazi times..i dunno the similarities are excruciatingly close....we are witnessing ethnic cleansing with a govt mandate attached to it...we witness innocent tribal men women and children being made cannon fodder for these conglomerates to float their grandiose megalomaniac plans
it pains me when we a kalinganagar or a maikanch happens and we stay on sidelines and watch on...
also how many tribal lives need to be sacrificed for the govt to realize what it is actually doing or being reduced to....a mere the cycle of greed of blind capitalists....!!
also the other issue is how many tribal sacrifices is the critical figure for the gvt....coz these massacres dun manage to elicit ne response frum the govt and the process of forcefully uprooting people continues as if nothin happened
it defies common sense to exploit these areas that are biological hotspots as well and necessary for ecological balance that is already hanging by a precipice...
if we look at what is happening at Niyamgiri in Rayagarh district of orrisa then one will realise the gargatuan folly vedanta is up to when a bauxite plant is being planned at an ecologically sensitive zone as that
there are countless examples that defy common sense that i can quote but the bottom line stays the same...someone out there is dying to save his land from being taken away....
this is the legacy of developement in one of india's most wealthy states....
i will return with some insider perspective soon
till then


life has been very kind to me when i look at it from the other side of the lens....
right from the very beginning from being born in a humble family to my present location at one of the finest institutions of the country life has indeed come as a blessing from above
my struggles have been there and at times i have found myself at the edge of a precipice but somehow some incident by fortitude puts me back on track and then am back on the endeavour called life scaling milestone upon milestone.....
different people measure success by different parameters but i see these milestones as mere stepping stones for glorious things yet to come in life...these small fragments though important are nothing when seen in isolation but have a form only in their totality....
on a professional front my journey has just begun and there is a lot to acheive...the field that i have chosen for myself is one in which vistas wont pop up but will need to be found, created and presented because their identification is crucial for the people who are intimately associated with them...
my people today need help and that will come by only when we realise that status quo cannot be maintained any longer...
the move needs to begin and develop into a crescendo just like the waves in the sea that supplement each other and become stronger....alone what is a single wave...together it is a force..alone it is a diversion...transient and ephemeral
well now who is the people are the real vistas that need to be identified, nurtured, brought up and made independent....
our mothers did that for us when we were helpless beings now we need to do it for these people who have been made helpless by society and its apathy....
our fight is against institutions that stand on ignorance and apathy to human life.....
so rise my dear comrades...hand in hand we can strive to make life liveable for the countless brothers, mothers, daughters and sons of the country....
i believe we can .....i have identified my vista
the question is have u ....?????